Via ActBlue, NC BLOC can quickly accept donations 24/7, 365 days a year. This quick and easy step towards supporting our work will let you send a one-time gift or set up your monthly sustaining contributions. 


Support Our Work

North Carolina Black Leadership and Organizing Collective (NC BLOC) is a statewide formation composed of strong, publicly-active, left, Black-led base-building, frontline organizations and community leaders.


NC BLOC members are committed to working together to build relationships, gain political alignment, and building a strong Black-led statewide movement that makes it possible to improve the quality of life in Black and marginalized communities through community building and policy changes.

NC BLOC and countless partners and allies mobilized thousands of people across the state to allow for equitable distribution of resources towards: program implementation, financial assistance, educational assistance, and basic needs.


Mail Your Donation

Checks should be made payable to: 

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. 

Attn: North Carolina B.L.O.C. 

USPS Mailing Address: 

23564 Calabasas Rd. STE 201 

Calabasas, CA 91302-1338

Estate Gifts

Leave a legacy that inspires. 


By including North Carolina Black Leadership & Organizing Collective in your estate plan, you can help us carry our mission into the future for generations to come. 

A bequest can be funded with cash, securities, or other assets, and you can arrange for the North Carolina Black Leadership & Collective to receive a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a residual balance. You can make changes to your bequest at any time, and your assets remain in your control during your lifetime. The Organization receives the gift only when your estate is distributed. Charitable bequests are deductible against the value of your estate and may reduce the amount of federal estate tax owed. 


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Donate Marketable Securities

Donating appreciated publicly traded securities that you have held for longer than 12 months may allow you to claim a charitable deduction for the full market value of the securities on the date the gift is made while avoiding tax on the capital gain; please consult your personal tax advisor for advice. 

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Matching Gifts

Matching gifts can double, and sometimes triple, the impact of your gift. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. 


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