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This country and state was built on the backs of our ancestors and is drenched in the blood of our sisters, brothers, mothers, cousins, and beloved community members. To this day, the 1% stand on our backs while we struggle to keep our heads above water. They profit from our grief, bodies, minds, imprisonment, and culture. No longer will we take this!

Our communities are Black, strong, and resilient. We stand strong in the radical traditions of our ancestors, pulling strength from North Carolina's longleaf pines and red clay. Now is the time for us to ensure that our hard work doesn't go unnoticed, that no overtime goes unpaid, and that we no longer have to choose between paying for food or keeping the lights on. It is time to reclaim and repair the crumbling schools in our communities, close the prisons that kidnap our loved ones, fire the police who murder us, and replace the civic leaders who stand against us.
It's time for us to start envisioning a world we can thrive in, develop the alternatives that will help us get there, and heal our minds, bodies, and spirits to reestablish our once-strong communities. It's time for us to stand with the organizations and formations fighting to ensure that all Black, poor and working people on our blocks in our communities and across the state can access food, experience joy, trade services, and build relationships with each other.
Today is the day we, the forgotten, battered, trafficked, tired, and dispossessed, start reclaiming our time and shift our economic and material conditions. Today we dream, create, and change North Carolina into the state we need it to be—a place where we and our loved ones are no longer at risk of being murdered, pushed out, locked up, underpaid, undereducated, and underserved.
overall investment into Black communities while divesting from the systems that kill us. We are North Carolina's true power and light, and we declare NOTHING ABOUT US,  WITHOUT US!


Protect Black Freedom is a campaign focused on shifting the material conditions of Black people in North Carolina through community building, relational organizing, and civic engagement.
We hope to end the exploitation, over-policing, and violence Black and working-class communities face in North Carolina.
 Protect Black Freedoms is committed to centering the needs of our people and building communities that can heal and be heard.

We are protecting Black folks because we all deserve:

To Live & Thrive
Clean Water & Access to Food
Healthy Families & Children
#NC4BL #BlackFolksDeserve. #protectblackfreedomsnc